Creative people are often seen as having a different approach to life than most other people. Whether it’s taking a day off to go fishing or working on a side project that might not make them money, creative people are not afraid to step outside the norm and do something unconventional. They are also able to turn obstacles into opportunities and see the beauty in the most mundane of situations. It’s no wonder that some of the most successful creative people in history have been artists, writers, entrepreneurs, or musicians.
They have a lot of energy. However, they also know how to manage that energy so it is focused on the task at hand. They might build their work around several smaller projects so they are never bored and distracted, or they will create specific routines that force them to stay on track with whatever they’re doing. They don’t waste time on things like watching YouTube videos or chatting with friends; they are always trying to push themselves towards the next goal, even if that means working through the night and waking up at noon.
It’s important for a creative person to be confident in the direction they are going, but it is also necessary to take risks and embrace failure. These individuals are good at seeing past the naysayers and critics, and they understand that not everyone will love their work or agree with them. This confidence, coupled with their willingness to push through even when faced with criticism or setbacks, is what sets them apart from other people.
In many ways, creative people are like marathon runners; they train hard and consistently, but they also accept that they might not be able to win every race. The same is true for their creativity; they might not produce the perfect idea on the first try, but they will keep pushing until they get there. This might be called pigheadedness or stubbornness, but it is a key trait of creative people.
They are aware that they stand, in Newton’s words, “on the shoulders of giants.” They are very aware of the long line of previous contributions to their area of expertise and know that they must continue to contribute. This allows them to be open to criticism and feedback, which helps them improve their work.
Creative people have a diverse range of interests and jump from one thing to another rather easily. They are curious and like to try new things, especially if they find them challenging or interesting. These traits allow them to come up with more ideas and solutions, as well as to be more objective when reviewing their own work.
This doesn’t mean that creative people don’t have discipline; they do. They will usually work within a certain schedule but are not afraid to change it if it doesn’t work for them. For example, they may find that a certain type of exercise or meditation helps them tap into their most creative state. This is why you might see artists, writers, and entrepreneurs such as Sting, Hugh Jackman, or David Lynch practicing these techniques.