Art encompasses a wide range of human creations that are considered to be aesthetic, visual, and creative in nature. It can include sculpture, architecture, painting, drawing, film and photography. In recent times, the advent of new technologies has led to the emergence of video art, computer art and performance art. The term art may also be used to refer to a specific work of art or to an artist who is considered to be an important figure in the history of art.
It can be difficult to define what is and isn’t art. The reason is that art serves many purposes and can be interpreted in a variety of ways, depending on the audience and context. Art is a complex, often elusive concept that has been debated by philosophers for centuries.
The classic definition of art as an object that reflects the artist’s skill and imagination is considered by some to be the most accurate and useful of all approaches. This approach encapsulates a broad array of works and enables the viewer to make an informed judgment about whether or not the work is art, based on its own merits.
Other philosophical perspectives on art are less conservative, embracing a broader spectrum of artistic properties and aiming to avoid the vicious circularity of the classic definition. Such hybrid definitions are criticized, however, for failing to provide an informative way of distinguishing the artworld system from other, structurally similar, social institutions (see Field 1972; Devitt 2001; Davidson 2005).
Art can serve many functions in a culture. It may support the prevailing establishment and prevent subversive messages from being silenced, or it may help to initiate and sustain changes in morality and politics. Art can also be a source of religious and philosophical ideas, convey information, inspire and entertain, or even just amuse.
Another purpose of art is its ritualistic and symbolic function in the formation of a culture. It helps to identify and reinforce a sense of unity between the members of a group or society. Art can also act as a record or archive, reflecting the culture and history of a particular time period.
A final function of art is that it satisfies the innate human desire for beauty, perfection and the sublime. This is not an absolute goal, and it can be extremely subjective, but the fact that it exists suggests that there is something intrinsically valuable about artistic endeavors that cannot be denied.
When assessing a piece of artwork, it is important to pay attention to the compositional elements and how they are arranged. For example, the gestalt of a painting can be revealed through its balance and proportion or its use of color and texture. In addition, an analysis of the technique must be made to assess its impact on the overall meaning. Pay close attention to the way different forms interact with one another, as well as how light and shadow are used. Try to identify what parts of the work catch the eye first and hold it there longest.