Whether they’re artists, engineers, scientists or writers, creative people are often dedicated to their work. They love their craft and are committed to it, but they’re also able to step back and examine it critically. This allows them to find areas that need improvement and ensures that they’re always working toward a better end result. Creatives aren’t afraid to take risks and often go out on a limb. They don’t limit themselves, and they believe that the reward is worth the risk.
Creativity requires a lot of energy. It’s no surprise then that creatives are often energized by life itself. They have a generalized sense of libido that some manifest in sexuality, while others choose to remain celibate. The point is that these people have an abundance of energy that they use to push themselves and achieve great things.
They can be naive, but they’re also intelligent. They may be naive in that they don’t understand the constraints of their world, but they’re also wise in knowing what they need to do in order to succeed. They can take criticism well, and they understand that they need to keep refining their ideas.
They’re proud of their accomplishments, but they aren’t overly confident or arrogant. They’re aware that they stand, to borrow Newton’s phrase, “on the shoulders of giants,” and they respect those who have come before them. They’re also aware of the role that luck plays in their success.
Creatives aren’t afraid to break the rules if it will help them get to their destination faster. They know that the status quo isn’t necessarily good or bad, but they’re unwilling to accept it without a challenge. This is why they are usually successful, as they’re willing to try anything that might get them closer to their goal.
One of the most important traits that creative people have is their ability to reflect on their achievements and learn from their mistakes. They’re constantly striving to improve themselves and their work, which is why they’re able to make progress so quickly. They’re always learning and growing, so they’re able to produce quality work each time.
One of the best ways to hone your creativity is through meditation. Many famous creatives – including Sting, Hugh Jackman and David Lynch – are frequent practitioners of this activity. Studies have shown that just a few minutes of daily meditation can help you to think more creatively. It’s a simple way to give your mind and brain the nourishment it needs in order to be at its most productive.