Creative people are curious by nature and have an insatiable appetite for knowledge. Their curiosity and imagination are powerful tools that help them come up with innovative ideas and solutions to business problems. Creatives also have a strong sense of risk-taking and are willing to step outside their comfort zones. However, a creative person’s tendency to have new ideas can lead to them being overwhelmed by the amount of work they need to do. As a result, they may procrastinate and delay their work until the last minute.
Being a creative requires a lot of energy, both physical and mental. Creatives tend to have a high level of intelligence, as evidenced by their IQs. According to psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, those with an IQ of more than 120 are considered “creative people.”
Creativity is not only about thinking; it’s also about producing. Creatives are natural problem solvers, but they can’t always find the solution to a business problem on their own. This is why they often seek outside advice. They need to have someone who can listen to their ideas and thoughts and offer practical suggestions on how to move forward.
They are driven by a deep passion for their work. In fact, many creatives view their whole life as one big work of art, and they try to incorporate their own artistic style into everything that they do. This can be problematic, as their desire to express themselves through their work may often go unappreciated. In addition, a creative person’s sensitivity can cause them to be easily offended by other people’s comments and criticism.
As a result, they often have a difficult time delegating tasks and letting others take the lead. They can also be stubborn when it comes to following their gut instinct, and this can cause them to get stuck in a rut in their professional career.
Creatives are very driven, and they can often feel a rush of excitement when working on a project. This energy helps them to push through the difficult parts of a project, which makes them more likely to succeed than non-creatives. They are also good at keeping track of their progress, which is important for a business owner.
Another quality that creative people have is a unique sense of libido. They often have a large amount of libidinal energy, which is often expressed through sexuality. At the same time, they are often able to maintain a certain spartan level of celibacy that helps them focus on their work. In some cases, this energy is so intense that it can even inspire a creative person to produce work after a trauma or period of turmoil. Ultimately, the key to being a creative is knowing when to channel your emotions into your work. For example, creating work that is inspired by a period of grief can lead to some of the most moving and memorable pieces of art or literature. Similarly, using positive emotions such as happiness or love can help you create work that is both inspirational and memorable.