Art is often seen as a form of entertainment, but it has so much more to offer our world. It educates people about our history, culture and traditions in a way that’s often more effective than textbooks or videos. It also helps to spark awareness and pique interest in something that may otherwise be overlooked by a generation that’s preoccupied with their technology.
But perhaps the most important function of art is its ability to communicate the full spectrum of human emotion, thought and feeling. As a result, it can influence change in politics and morality – both supporting the status quo as well as providing subversive messages that would otherwise go unheard.
When used in the right hands, art can give hope and instill courage in a society that’s struggling to overcome adversity. Whether it’s a poster depicting the suffering of refugees or a painting that reminds us of the beauty of life – there are no limits to what art can achieve.
Ultimately, the best definition of art is that it’s an activity that creates a relationship between its creator and every person who experiences it. So even if a shoelace or an alarm clock are endowed with aesthetic properties by their makers, that’s not enough to make them art.
Because of this, a good definition of art must take into account the fact that it’s difficult to define. It’s more a question of what a work of art isn’t than what it is.
Similarly, a good definition of art must also consider the fact that it is impossible to fully appreciate a work without understanding its context. A work of art is not an object or action, but an expression of the human imagination, and as such, it cannot be judged in isolation from the context of the culture that produced it.
As such, it’s not surprising that so many schools struggle to incorporate art into their curriculum. The key to success is finding a balance that suits the needs of your students while still giving them the opportunity to engage with and be inspired by art. To help, here are ten ways you can bring art into your lessons.